Gschwentner R, Baric S, Rieger R 2002 (citation)- New species and description of Symsagittifera corsicae; study of formation and function of sagittosysts; body-wall musculature, morphological features and 18S rDNA sequencing. Discusses other species including: Symsagittifera sagittifera, Symsagittifera bifoveolata, Praesagittifera shikoki, Convolutriloba longifissura, Symsagittifera poenicea.
Yamasu T 1991 (citation)- "structure and function of ocelli and sagittocysts" in Acoels. Electron microscopy of structures. Species used in study were: Praesagittifera naikaiensis, Praesagittifera gracilis, Symsagittifera nitidae, Convoluta naviculae, Convoluta sp., Convoluta kikaiensis, Praesagittifera shikoki, Amphiscolops langerhansi, Amphiscolops sp., Pseudaphanostoma sp.
Kostenko & Mamkaev 1990 (citation) Numerous specimens of this species were collected 08/25/1982 in a harbor near river Matsujama at the Shikoku Island (Japan) from silted sand at the depth of 30-60 cm. Holotype (a series of sagittal sections # T-88) is deposited in the collection of the Zoological Institute, Academy of Science, USSR.
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