Turbellarian taxonomic database

Amphiscolops carvalhoi Notes

Marcus E 1952 (citation)- p 17-20 long description and illustration- also p 104- viviparous.
Marcus E 1954 (citation)- mentions p 424.
Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions p 96.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists.
Apelt G 1969 (citation)- p 268- notes Marcus 1952 says this is viviparous.
Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History. Brazil.

Marcus E 1952 (citation) "Amphiscolops carvalhoi, n. sp. (Fig. 20-27), collected in various localities on the
coast of São Paulo, where the salinity is inferior to that of the open sea, and the sand is mixed with mud,
is nearest to A. langerhansi (Graff).  But its length, up to 2 mm. alive, and breadth (0,75 mm.) is smaller: 
the concrements (ci), contained in finely branched cells, are golden, not white, and except for two
post-cerebral spots (Fig. 22), distributed nearly uniformly over the whole back.  The male copulatory organ
comprises glands (h), an antrum (w), and an ejaculatory duct (d).  In this way also Graff's figure (1904, t.
12 f. 1) of A. langerhansi must be interpreted.  The antral lumen however is simply curved in langerhansi,
while it forms a W in carvalhoi.  The bursa (r) has 2-6 nozzles (p).

Marcus E 1952 (citation) "A.carvalhoi is viviparous, langerhansi oviparous (Hyman 1937).  Up to 5 embryos (f)
occur on each side of the mid-line.  The algae (a) that differ from those in A. sargassi Hym. (Marcus 1950,
t. 5f. 32) are numerous in the adult and scarce in young worms (Fig. 21).  Embryos still without mouth
already include algae, that are digested in the endocytium of the farther developed ones.  The worms prey on
Veligers, Copepods and Ostracods, on the lighter side of the aquarium."

Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name

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