Turbellarian taxonomic database
Convoluta agilis Notes
An der Lan H 1936 (citation)- description from Groenland [inadequate description], [he is not even
sure of genus, list Convoluta (?)]. p 327 of 2 specimens both had posterior end with reproductive
system. Length about 500 micrometers. Epidermis 9-15 micrometers, many nuclei present. Frontal
gland well developed and surrounding statocyst. Nervours system (on p 304)- mostly outside of
outer muscule sheath, but it is sunken in below muscle at anterior end, but not to statocyst.
Describes this only because of importance of this material.
Westblad E 1942 (citation)- p 17 notes lack of longitudinal muscle layer in part.
Marcus E 1948 (citation)- says is an "unrecognizable" species, p 117.
Ax P 1961 (citation)- notes outer nerve net in this species.
Antonius A 1968 (citation)- says species dubia.
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