Turbellarian taxonomic database

Haploposthiidae Kuma Notes

Marcus E 1950 (citation)- "Haploposthiidae" with large frontal glands, short muscular atrium, without a
	penis or cuticularization of the atrium.  Ovaries paired, ventral.  Epicytium with nuclei 
	entirely sunken in all the anterior region of the body" [Bush translation].

	Kuma brevicauda type species.

Marcus E 1952 (citation)- Epicytium with nuclei entirely sunken in all the anterior region of the body 
	eliminates this as K. belca. K belca has intra-epithelial nuclei.  Discussion of K. belca and
	K. brevicauda.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 97 defines, lists as type K. brevicauda.  2 species K. brevicauda Marcus 1950
	and K belca Marcus 1952.
Faubel A 1976 (citation)- compares with Haploposthia and Afronta and redefines p 34-35.  Diagnosis:
	"Uncolored.  Frontal glands many.  Rhabdite glands of common type.  Mouth ventral.  Ovary
	paired or unpaired.  Testes on both sides of body.  Germinal center for eggs and sperm 
	separated.  Copulatory organ with a seminal vesicle and an atrium opening terminally at
	posterior end.  Penis lacking ((only in K. albiventer (Marcus 1954) a short penis papilla
	developed)); no female accessory organs.  Brain insunken."

Tyler S 1979 (citation)- used Kuma species in Electron Microscopy work.
Fox CA, Powell EN 1987 (citation)- effects of oxygen and sulfide on.

Smith JPS 1981 (citation)-
Smith JPS 1982 (citation)- Fine-structural anatomy of the parenchyma in the acoela and nematodermatida
(Turbellaria).  Taxa include Convoluta, Diopisthoporus longitubis, Kuma, Nemertoderma, and Paratomella rubra. 

Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name

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