Boguta KK 1970 (citation)- Definition, description in Russian- English summary. "Anaperus biaculeatus species new offters two large glandular aculer (prostomis composita) in the region of the male sexual aperture. Antrum is not differentiated. Penis is absent. The species possesses 25-30 bursal organs. Gonads are not twin; testis is dorsal, ovary is ventral. Anaperus biaculeatus has a broad and flat body which attains 5 mm in length. The ventral surface of the body is able to invaginate. the colour of Anaperus biaculeatus varies from yellow to organge due to the dermal glands containing a secretory substance of a peculiar form. The species was observed at a depth of 0-2 meters within the slime line of Tchupa Bay." Boguta KK 1972 (citation)- Early development of. Boguta KK 1972 (citation)- Early development of. Boguta KK, Mamkaev YuV 1972 (citation)- on structrure of parenchyma in, a dynamic state, etc. Mamkaev YuV, Markosova TG 1979 (citation)- Smith JPS 1981 (citation)- mentions electron microscopy work on this by Mamkaev et al, p 264.
Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.
Reuter M, Raikova OI, Gustafsson MKS 2001 (citation)- Phylogeny, neurons, muscles. Acoela and Nemertodermatida studies of neuroanatomy. Species used include Catenulida Stenostomum leucops Duges 1828 Macrostomida Microstomum lineare Muller 1774 Acoela Anaperus biaculeatus Boguta 1970 Childia groenlandica Levinsen 1879 Faerla glomerata Westblad 1942 Paraphanostomum crassum Westblad 1942 Avagina incola Leiper 1902 Nemertodermatida Nemertoderma westbladi Steinbock 1938 Mera stichopi Westblad 1949
Raikova OI, Reuter M, Kotikova EA, Gustafsson MKS 1998 (citation)- 5-HT immunoreactivity in Acoela, brain analysis. Species used: Anaperus biaculeatus, Childia groenlandica, Actinoposthia beklemischevi, and Mecynostomum sp.
Reuter M, Raikova OI, Gustafsson MKS 1998 (citation)- brain of Acoela a common flatworm type? Immunocytochemical study (FMRF-amide) of nervous system of four species: Anaperus biaculeatus, Childia groenlandica, Actinoposthia beklemischevi and Mecynostomum sp.
Raikova OI 1991 (citation)- fine structure, "nervous system and ciliary receptors of acoelan turbellarians". Species considered: Actinoposthia beklemischevi, Anaperus biaculeatus, Aphanostoma virescens, Haploposthia opisthorchis.
Raikova OI 1989 (citation)- "The fine structure of the nervous system of both plexus-type and that with formed nerve trunks was studied in representatives of four families of Acoela." Families and species studied include: Haploposthiidae Haploposthia opisthorchis Childiidae Actinoposthia beklemischevi Anaperidae Anaperus biaculeatus Convolutidae Aphanostoma virescens Descriptions of synapses, vesciles with granules in neurites, sensillae as associated fine structure are described.
Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)- "The acoel turbellarians: kingpins of metazoan evolution or a specialized offshoot?" Look at ultrastructural characters (body wall, parenchyma, digestive tract). " appears that acoels are derived, and cannot logically be fitted into any of the current theories of interphyletic relationships, either as models of primitiveness or as reduced coelomates. Instead, the Nemertodermatida, sister group to the Acoela, and the Catenulida appear more primitive, and consideration of these groups for phylogenetic schemes is more likely to bear fruit." Species of Acoela include: Diopisthoporus cf. longitubus Diopisthoporus sp. (= Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)) Hesiolicium inops Convoluta convoluta Convoluta sp. nov. (= Convoluta pulchra Smith JPS, Bush L 1991 (citation)) Oxyposthia praedator Oligochoerus limnophilus Paedomecynostomum sp. Paramecynostomum diversicolor Anaperus biaculeatus Anaperus sp. Kuma sp. Philactinoposthia sp. Otocelis luteola
Mamkaev YuV, Markosova TG 1979 (citation)- "Electron microscopic studies of the parenchyma in some representatives of the Acoela." Species studied include: Oxyposthia praedator Convoluta convoluta Anaperus biaculeatus [translated summary "...differentiation of the secretory cells of the epidermal glands in the parenchyma, and the presence of muscular and nervous elements in the epidermal layer, leads to the conclusion that in the Acoela there is a close interrelation between the parenchyma and the epidermis, and that phagocytoblast and kinoblast are still poorly separated."]
Ivanov AV, Mamkaev YuV 1977 (citation)- Ultrastructure of disgestive system in Oxyposthia praedator, Convoluta convoluta, Anaperus biaculeatus, and Aphanostoma virescens.
Notes from synonyms
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