Type species. Geographical distribution: East Coast of U.S. - Woods Hole, etc.- subtidal mud or muddy sand. Graff L v 1910 (citation)- lists as Amphiscolops gardineri no description p 2. Lists as new species from Woods Hole. [Bush- must be nomen nudum] Graff L v 1911 (citation)- description and illustration p 327-341 plates I and II, figure 1-4. from Woods Hole. p 7 says he placed species here but it is basis for new genus Anaperus which he is defining. Luther A 1912 (citation)- brief mention. Meixner J 1925 (citation)- mentions. Beklemischev VN 1929 (citation)- on special glands in p 232-3. Good discussion. Bresslau E 1933 (citation)- p 116 figure 110, brief description. Entire animal and detail of bursa with nozzle. length to 6 mm x 1.2 mm- color yellowish red etc., pigment granules yellow in long rows and brick red scattered. In sand with Ulva and sea grass, from Woods Hole. An der Lan H 1936 (citation)- mentions. Karling TG 1940 (citation)- mentions p 195. Westblad E 1942 (citation)- discussion of penis stylets, etc in this species compared with his new genus Paranaperus, p 9. Doubts if the female genital atrium is really a female atrium, etc. Westblad E 1945 (citation)- p 39-40 in discussion. discusses in connection with his Anaperus rubellus. p 47 notes many bursal nozzles. Marcus E 1947 (citation)- p 161 says later he made this type of genus Anaperus (Graff 1912). Westblad E 1952 (citation)- p 7, 8, 9 in discussion. Hyman LH 1951 (citation)- vol 2, p 131- diagram of posterior end with copulatory organs and enlarged bursa. [Bush- Woods Hole Lab Reports, no author about 1963 Collected at Woods Hole in mud from Buzzards Bay- at fisheries warf, summer 1963, see drawings and slides.] Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions p 177. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 108 lists as type. Apelt G 1969 (citation)- p 268 notes Graff's (1911) remarks on egg laying through body wall.
Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.
Notes from synonyms
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