Turbellarian taxonomic database

Thalassoanaperus tvaerminnensis Notes

Definition:  Luther A 1912 (citation)
Geographic distribution: Finnish coast (Luther 1960), Sweden, Norway, England.

Luther A 1912 (citation)- describes new genus and speices.
	description and illustration p 53-41 as Palmenia tvaerminnensis, Finland. 

Steinmann P, Bresslau E 1913 (citation)- illustration of sense cells in Palmenia p 262.	
Beklemischev VN 1914 (citation)- compares his Achoerus with this.
Forsius R 1925 (citation)- changes Palmenia tvaerminnensis to Palmeniola tvaerminnensis.
Beklemischev VN 1929 (citation)- glandular spicules, nature of

Bresslau E 1933 (citation)- p 61, figure 33, detail of epithelium, etc.- from 18-20 meters of water
	(brackish 0.5 %), also p 117, figure 111 for reproductive organs.
Meixner J 1938 (citation)- figure 1D (ventral view)- no description but caption a partial description. 
	"(ventral view) with bright yellow-brown, club shaped pigment plugs, occuring as rod shaped 
	bodies arrayed in close longitudinal rows and intercellularly in the parenchyma thru the 
	epithelium to ? in the ciliary zone.  Anterior to the genital pore usually 6 (3-7) bursa lying side
	by side across the animal of a similar structure to those in Convoluta convoluta.  Passage of sperm 
	thru parenchymal spaces." [Bush- does this caption constitute a description? ok] [Bush- note
	also frontal gland testes and ovary down each side and genital pore at posterior end in illustration].

	Anaperus balticus figure 1D, with partial descirpiton- Palmenia (Palmeniola) balticus as synonym,
	mentions p 79, 117, 134, and figures 1D and 75A.
	p 75, figure 75 detail of sense organs in epithelium.

Westblad E 1940 (citation)- notes basal bodies on cilia, p 9.
Westblad E 1942 (citation)- notes on muscle layer in p 16.	
Westblad E 1945 (citation)- p 37-42, 53-4 figures 19, 20 with synonym as in Meixner 1938, Anaperus
	balticus  species may equal Anaperus tvaerminnensis since number of 
	nozzles is ok for that species- rest of description incomplete in Meixner.  Compares with
	his species rubellus.

Westblad E 1948 (citation)- mentions.  comments on structure under general discussion; p 11 rhabdites
	lemon yellow; p 16 small serous glands in; on muscles; p 22-24 on brain of and nerves; p 24
	diagram of nervous systems.
Marcus E 1949 (citation)- mentions p 13 pigmented rods.
Marcus E 1950 (citation)- p 14. Compares his Paraphanostoma westbladi and notes ? in A. tvaerminnensis.
Marcus E 1952 (citation)- mentions in description of C. thauma p 16.
Westblad E 1954 (citation)- mentions.  Lists this from Norway at 2 places- mud bottom about 1.5-2 meters;
	occurrence as Scandinavian West Coast and Baltic to the Gulf of Finalnd and England.
Luther A 1960 (citation)- p 14 brief description and illustration 1c-e, distribution.  gives this as 
	species of Anaperus.
Ax P 1961 (citation)- notes polygonal epithelial cells of.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 298 illustration figures 96 and 97 lists as synonym of Anaperus tvaerminnensis p 108.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- on ecology of in Germany p 99, 87, 94.
Apelt G 1969 (citation)- p 363 and 313 on early development of.
Beklemischev VN 1969 (citation)- Vol II, p 150, illustration of sensory cells in.
Faubel A 1974 (citation)- reports from Sylt, illustration of entire animal.
Karling TG 1974 (citation)- in list p 9, in key p 12, illustration p 13; ecology of p 24, 64, 65, 77, and
	description p 30.
Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History, #3249-58.
Faubel A 1977 (citation)- habitat.  lists p 61 in beach slope p 65, sand flats p 65, 66 mud-sand and mud,
	p 67 and table 1.

Watzin MC 1984 (citation)- p 324, lists number of eggs and development from Apelt 1969.

Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I  2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S
rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.

Ehlers U 1994 (citation)- "Ultrastructure of the unusual body-wall musculature of Anaperus tvaerminnensis".
Ehlers U 1992 (citation)- "Pulsatile bodies" in Anaperus tvaerminnensis "are degenerating epidermal cells".
Ratz H, Faubel A, Roeder T 1988 (citation)- p 173, "...Acoela were studies by electrophoresis and
histochemistry."  Species included in the study were:
     Aphanostoma album
     Convoluta convoluta
     Pseudaphanostoma psammophilum
     Atriofronta polyvacuola
     Haplogonaria syltensis
     Haplogonaria simplex
     Anaperus tvaerminnensis
     Postmecynostomum pictum
     Mecynostomum auritum
     Paedomecynostomum bruneum
     Philomecynostomum lapillum
     Pseudmecynostomum papillosum

Notes from synonyms

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