Schmidt O 1852 (citation)- describes this as new species from Lessni (Adriatic) C. diesingii. Graff L v 1874 (citation)-description of new species C. armata which in Das Tierreich Graff 1905 (citation)- he makes this a synonym of C. convoluta. MacIntosh WC 1874-1875 (citation)- lists this species from St. Andrews. Graff L v 1902 (citation)- note on this in, and occurence in Orotava (Teneriffe). Graff L v 1904 (citation)-description and discussion of. Sabussow H 1905 (citation)- reports on work on this species at from Villefranche, Russia Brinkmann A 1905 (citation)- reference and brief description. Bohmig L 1908 (citation)- p 6 mentions. Lohner L 1910 (citation)- comments on type of parenchyma. Lohner L 1911 (citation)- excretory canals in cross sections. Lohner L, Micoletzky H 1911 (citation)- on pelagic forms, Adriatic "tychoplanktonische" species. Luther A 1912 (citation)- brief mention of. Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- outline p 23, also mentions p 36, 50, 51. Meixner J 1925 (citation)- comment on - says (= paradoxa Oersted). Steinbock O 1931 (citation)- lists synonyms and occurences. Steinbock O 1932 (citation)- lists from Arctic p 299. Bresslau E 1933 (citation)- p 87, fig 73 , sagital section of- from Helgolande- length 2-6 mm (seldom to 9 mm)- colored by xooxanthellae- on littoral European Coasts - on brown algae. Steinbock O 1933 (citation)- synonym and occurence. Southern R 1936 (citation)- Reports in Ireland. An der Lan H 1936 (citation)- Mentions. Steinbock O 1938 (citation)- Reports from Iceland. Meixner J 1938 (citation)- illustrates this species fig 1, C1, C2, C3, C4- shows enrolled sides with forward end closed or open, red brown irregular arranged groups of pigment in the epithelium and blue brown oval or red shaped concrements in vacuoles of parenchyma, containing golden brown xooxanthellae or yellowish to golden brown and dark brown color lighter at anterior end. A pair of large glands near the mouth and 1-2 pairs near gential pore- length to 4 mm- in North sear to 9 mm. Karling TG 1940 (citation)- mentions p 155. Westblad E 1942 (citation)- comment on male reproductive organ p 7, 12. Westblad E 1946 (citation)- brief description of p 45-46- in key p 44- illustrated also in general discussion- p 20-22. Marcus E 1948 (citation)- mentions p 188. Westblad E 1948 (citation)- xooxanthellae in p 11. p 14-15 glands in. p 17 parenchyma in. p 19 description of typical behavior in enrolling etc. into a tube. p 20 muscles. p 23- brain. p 25 long nerves. p 26 sense organs. p 32 illustration of sperm. p 41-43 penis. p 49-50 female reproductive organ. Marcus E 1949 (citation)- mentions enrolled body- p 13. Westblad E 1954 (citation)- reports this species from Laminaria at 5-25 m- occurrence N. Atlantic (common) and the southern Baltic, the Mediterranean and Adria (Roveny) and the Black Sea. Ax P 1959 (citation)- p 51-2 gives distribution - Black Sea, Bosporus, Marmara Sea on algae. Luther A 1960 (citation)- note this is common on European coast- a species of Forsman B 1956 (citation) may be this. Ax P 1963 (citation)- diagram of longitudinal secion, p 205- sperm of p 213 illustrated. Mamkaev YuV, Seravin LN 1963 (citation)- on feeding habits of. Pedersen KJ 1963 (citation)- cytological and cytochemical observations. Pedersen KJ 1965 (citation)- work on mucous gland cells in- electron microscopy. Dorey AE 1965 (citation)- on epithelium and its replacement- electron microscopy study. Ax P 1966 (citation)- refers to vacuoles here - is this chordoid tissue? Mentions Pedersen investigation with electron microscope. Ax P, Doerjes J 1966 (citation)- compare copulatory organs of Oligochoerus with C. convoluta. Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions p 68 and 189 on cellular nature, pharynx in p 81. Steinbock O 1967 (citation)- mintions p 405 Oschman JL 1967 (citation)- mentions gland cells in described by Pederson. Mamkaev YuV 1967 (citation)- compares protandry here and reproduction with his Actinoposthia. Jennings JB 1968 (citation)- lists as (= C paradoxa)- description of feeding details. Antonius A 1968 (citation)- gives C. convoluta as type, and lists. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 67 says Mamkaev YuV 1967 (citation) worked on anatomy. p 120-122 good illustration and brief description - synonomy. On ecology of in Germany- p 99 in algae p 88. Lists synonym C. infundibulum. Beklemischev VN 1969 (citation)- on endocytum in illustration of p 190 II etc. on other system and illustration of long nerves in. Apelt G 1969 (citation)- proves symbionts are diatoms Licmophora communis (Heib.) and Licmophora hyalina (Kutz.). Good literature review also on embryology, life history, etc. long discussion with illustrations. Ax P 1970 (citation)- notes symbionts in - are diatoms Licmophora, refer to Ax P, Apelt G 1965 (citation). Straarup BJ 1970 (citation)- notes this is periphytic species. Dorjes J 1970 (citation)- mentions p 257. Taylor DL 1971 (citation)- series of reports on symbiosis with algae and chemical analysis fo relations. Boguta KK, Mamkaev YuV 1972 (citation)- on parenchyma in structure of. Drobysheva IM 1972 (citation)- on gametogenesis in. Tyler S 1973 (citation)- notes adhesion is by adhesive glands p 149. Mack-Fira V 1974 (citation)- reports from Black Sea and on distribution. Riser NW 1974 (citation)- p 520 reports work by Apelt G 1969 (citation) on symbiosis. Drobysheva IM, Mamkaev YuV 1974 (citation)- on seasonal variation and morphodynamics (growth dynamics). Karling TG 1974 (citation)- in lists p 9, in key p 12, ecology of p 26, 62, 63 and definition p 38 illus p 13. Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History- North Atlantic. Crezee M, Tyler S 1976 (citation)- on structure of cilia. Boguta KK 1976 (citation)- diagram of nervous system - also on effects of starvation in. Tyler S 1976 (citation)- large glands in p 56. Faubel A 1976 (citation)- p 22 penis here does not come under his definition of new family Antroposthia since it is secretory and "ductus ejai -". Hanson ED 1977 (citation)- on phylogeny- characters p 502, figures 13-3 A and B. Boguta KK 1978 (citation),(citation),(citation)- diagram of entire nervous system. Drobysheva IM 1979 (citation)- on morphology- especially development of gonads. in Runcin medial genital rudiment (ovary) and neoblasts (testes) etc. Mamkaev YuV, Markosova TG 1979 (citation)- Electron microscopy study on parenchyma types of cells, photos in Russion with English abstract p 93. Smith JPS 1981 (citation)- Electron microscopy work on digestive system, etc. p 264 digestive cells. Drobysheva IM 1986 (citation)- study of regeneration- used autoradiography.
Ruiz-Trillo I, Paps J, Loukota M, Ribera C, Jondelius U, Baguna J, Riutort M 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic analysis; rDNA analysis; Bilateria taxonomic framework.
Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.
Markosova TG 1989 (citation)- "Endocytosis and intracellular digestion in epithelial cells of Convoluta convoluta was demonstrated using cytochemical reactions: incubation of living animals in horseradish peroxidase and reaction to acid phosphatase."
Ratz H, Faubel A, Roeder T 1988 (citation)- p 173, "...Acoela were studies by electrophoresis and histochemistry." Species included in the study were: Aphanostoma album Convoluta convoluta Pseudaphanostoma psammophilum Atriofronta polyvacuola Haplogonaria syltensis Haplogonaria simplex Anaperus tvaerminnensis Postmecynostomum pictum Mecynostomum auritum Paedomecynostomum bruneum Philomecynostomum lapillum Pseudmecynostomum papillosum
Popova NV, Mamkaev YuV 1985 (citation)- "Ultrastructure and primitive features of the eyes of Convoluta convoluta."
Gureeva MA 1985 (citation)- "Enantiomorphism during cleavage of acoelic turbellarians". Species included in study: Convoluta convoluta, Convoluta sagittifera, Oxyposthia praedator.
Drobysheva IM 1986 (citation)- "Physiological regeneration of the digestive parenchyma in Convoluta convoluta and Oxyposthia praedator".
Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)- "The acoel turbellarians: kingpins of metazoan evolution or a specialized offshoot?" Look at ultrastructural characters (body wall, parenchyma, digestive tract). " appears that acoels are derived, and cannot logically be fitted into any of the current theories of interphyletic relationships, either as models of primitiveness or as reduced coelomates. Instead, the Nemertodermatida, sister group to the Acoela, and the Catenulida appear more primitive, and consideration of these groups for phylogenetic schemes is more likely to bear fruit." Species of Acoela include: Diopisthoporus cf. longitubus Diopisthoporus sp. (= Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)) Hesiolicium inops Convoluta convoluta Convoluta sp. nov. (= Convoluta pulchra Smith JPS, Bush L 1991 (citation)) Oxyposthia praedator Oligochoerus limnophilus Paedomecynostomum sp. Paramecynostomum diversicolor Anaperus biaculeatus Anaperus sp. Kuma sp. Philactinoposthia sp. Otocelis luteola
Gureeva MA, Mamkaev YuV 1985 (citation)- "Morphological egg-cleavage patterns in acoelous turbellarians (Acoela)." 1. Variants of egg-cleavage patterns in the genus Convoluta (Convoluta convoluta and C.sagittifera). 2. Variants of egg-cleavage patterns in Oxyposthia predator.
Drobysheva IM 1983 (citation)- "Peculiarities of the physiological regeneration of the digestive parenchyma of Convoluta convoluta (Turbellaria, Acoela)".
Mamkaev YuV, Markosova TG 1979 (citation)- "Electron microscopic studies of the parenchyma in some representatives of the Acoela." Species studied include: Oxyposthia praedator Convoluta convoluta Anaperus biaculeatus [translated summary "...differentiation of the secretory cells of the epidermal glands in the parenchyma, and the presence of muscular and nervous elements in the epidermal layer, leads to the conclusion that in the Acoela there is a close interrelation between the parenchyma and the epidermis, and that phagocytoblast and kinoblast are still poorly separated."]
Ivanov AV, Mamkaev YuV 1977 (citation)- Ultrastructure of disgestive system in Oxyposthia praedator, Convoluta convoluta, Anaperus biaculeatus, and Aphanostoma virescens.
Douglas AE 1992 (citation)- "Algal symbioses in acoel Turbellaria: factors determining the identity of the algal symbionts." Species of turbellaria include: Convoluta convoluta, Symsagittifera roscoffensis, Amphiscolops sp.
Rivest, Coyer, and Tyler (1999) - (citation) C. convoluta discovered as invasive species in Western North Atlantic (Nova Scotia; Nahant, MA; and Isles of Shoals and York, Maine) in 1995--1998.
Notes from synonyms
Notes for Convoluta diesingii
Schmidt O 1852 (citation)- describes this as new species from Lessni (Adriatic) C. diesingii. Schmidt O 1861 (citation)- in comparison in table p 21, also p 22. Schmidt O 1862 (citation)- in comparison with new species Convoluta infundibulum. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221 lists as synonym of Convoluta paradoxa. Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- lists as synonym of his Monotus diesingi (= Convoluta convoluta ?), also note on p 4 that Monotus paradoxa is synonym of C. paradoxa. (C. diesingii is same?) Claparede E 1861 (citation)- says is synonym of Convoluta convoluta. MacIntosh WC 1874-1875 (citation)- lists this as a species from St. Andrews Scotland. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists as a synonym of Convoluta convoluta.
Notes for Convoluta armata
Graff L v 1905 (citation)- makes this synonym of C. convoluta. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221 lists this as synonym of C. paradoxa (=C. convoluta?). Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists as good species.
Notes for Convoluta haustrum
Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- lists p 212 as synonym of his Monotus paradoxus (= Convoluta paradoxa) Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221 lists Planaria haustratum as synonym of Convoluta paradoxa (=Convoluta convoluta).
Notes for Convoluta infundibulum
Schmidt O 1861 (citation)- description and illustration, p 21-23. Schmidt O 1862 (citation)- p 17 in discussion and as new species described p 19-21, plate III- p 8, 9, 10. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221 lists this as synonym of Convoluta paradoxa. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists as synonym of Convoluta convoluta.
Notes for Convoluta paradoxa
Abildgaard PC 1806 (citation)- was Planaria. Gosse PH 1855 (citation)- includes p 80, fig 127. Claparede E 1861 (citation)- describes and illustration - gives as synonym C. diesingii. Schmidt O 1861 (citation)- in comparison table p 21. Schmidt O 1862 (citation)- in comparison with new species C. infundibulum, p 19. Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- lists as synonym for his Monotus paradoxa, p 3 and 212. p 3, as synonym Planaria haustratum. Says this is ame as Schmidt's Convoluta diesingii, p 4. Uljanin W 1870 (citation)- from Leuckart 1871 (citation), p 461 definition. MacIntosh WC 1874-1875 (citation)- lists this species from St. Andrews, Scotland. Jensen OS 1878 (citation)- definition in Latin p 28- discussion and Plate II, fig 1. Jensen OS 1879 (citation)- on sperm in this species, (from Graff 1882 (citation)). Graff L v 1882 (citation)- illustration- long discussion and long list of synonyms. Graff L v 1886 (citation)- reports from Lesina. Wagner F v 1891 (citation)- in his review of Graff 1891- p 654-657. Graff L v 1891 (citation)- brief description. refers to his monograph- plate VI illustraton of xooxanthellae and detailed of "gift organ", fig 3. Figures 5-11 cross sections of ganglia. Plate VI illustrates- fig 1 detail of phyarnx wtih nerves. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- describes this briefly and gives a long list of synonyms. see p 215 for illustration of bursa p 221-225, 233. Characters are compared to flavibacillum, yellow color in flavibacillum, body shape- brown here with white bands, xooxanthellae, one of most widespread species in Bay of Sevastopol, same as other species in genus she says. Gamble FW 1893 (citation)- gives synonyms- amoung seaweed- Europe. Bohmig L 1895 (citation)- mentions on p 10-14, 20, 21, 41, 45 and lists on p 44. Fuhrmann O 1896 (citation)- lists and on ecology. Attems CG 1897 (citation)- reports from Hegoland - common. Jameson HL 1897 (citation)- reports Port Erin. Fuhrmann O 1898 (citation)- lists and on ecology. Graff L 1904 (citation)- note on is description. Luther A 1912 (citation)- brief mention of. Meixner J 1925 (citation)- lists Convoluta convoluta (= paradoxa Oersted). Steinbock O 1931 (citation)- type. lists as = to Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard 1806). Welsh M 1936 (citation)- mentions symbionts in. Westblad E 1940 (citation)- notes basal bodies in cilia of. Jennings JB 1957 (citation)- used this in feeding experiments- food stored as fat and small amounts of glycogen - food digesting in irregular vacuoles in digestive syncytium which is distinct from the parenchyma. Digestive syncytium can be protruded thru the mouth like a large pseudopodium to take up small food particles- large particles are surrounded by the body, etc. Antonius A 1968 (citation)- gives Convoluta convoluta as type. Jennings JB 1968 (citation)- work on feeding on this species. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- synonym of Convoluta convoluta. Kenk R 1974 (citation)- lists Planaria haustratum "not recognizable", p 48.
Notes for Convoluta johnstoni
Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- p 212 lists- no description- as synonym of Monotus johnstoni. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221 lists this as synonym of Convoluta paradoxa.
Notes for Convoluta albicincta
Schmidt O 1861 (citation)- mentions as a species of Monotus Schultze. Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- lists as synonym of his Monotus albicincta, p 212. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- p 221, lists this species as synonym of Convoluta paradoxa. Graff L v 1904 (citation)- p 119 lists this new species.
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