genus = Amphiscolops? Haswell WA 1905 (citation)- Sets up this genus and new species Heterchoerus australis. Luther A 1912 (citation)- included in Amphiscolops the species Heterchoerus australis. Hyman LH 1939 (citation)- described and illustrated new species. Westblad E 1948 (citation)- p 470, 58- genus is abolished since species is moved to Amphiscolops. Agrees with Luther. Dorjes J, Young JO 1973 (citation)- lists species Amphiscolops australis Haswell 1905. Winsor L 1990 (citation)- reinstates genus with two species: H. australis Haswell 1905 H. sargassi (Hyman, 1939)
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