Young JO 1976 (citation)- description of new genus, and new species Africatenula from 5 fresh water locations in Kenya. Discussion of genus and family relations. Definition - does not have preoral ring as in Suomina and possesses large number of zooids and distinctive granulation not found in Catenula and Dasyhormus [see species description]. Long chain of many zooids which are precocious and feed themselves. 1- large number of zooids and great length of chain to 30.5 cm. 2- ratio of prostomium length to remaining body length in a zooid. 3- position of statocyst and brain at base of prostomium. 4- gut extending more than half the length of the post-buccal region. 5- presence of a ventro and ventro-lateral ciliated groove. 6- occurence of "granules particularly in prostomial region [Bush: What are granules ? he doesn't conclude?]
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