Marcus E 1949 (citation)- describes this new species from fine sand, p 12-14, 94. Ax P 1961 (citation)- cellular nature of the epithelium. Antonius A 1968 (citation)- moved to genus Conaperta. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists. Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History. from Brazil. Ehlers U, Doerjes J 1979 (citation)- comparisons p 10.
Marcus E 1949 (citation) Pg. 94 - 'Convoluta westbladi, n. sp. (Fig. 7-10) from the sand of the upper littoral of the island of São Sebastião is a small, whitish worm, up to 0.4 mm in length and 0.1-0.2 mm in breadth. The position of the epidermice nuclei is normal in the most part of the body; the peripherical parenchyma (ectocytium) is vacuolized and poorly developed. Cyanophil rhabdoids are disposed between the epidermic cells, as are the pigmented rods of Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Luther 1912). The sensory cells are even more richly develped than in C. vexillaria Marcus (1948). As in C. viridipunctata Westbl. the two anterior germ-centres flow backwards in the ventro-median line and form an unpaired ovary. The testes continue paired from the germ-centres and extend dorso-laterally. The penis is directed forward and is invaginated into a muscular bulb that contains sperms (seminal vesicle, Fig. 8, u) and granular secretion (g). The nozzle of the bursa is small (0.008 mm.) and lies horizontally. It opens into a vacuole of the parenchyma close to the most developed ovocyte. C. saliens Graff and C. vexillaria Marc. seem to be the nearest related species, but both have paried ovaries and no hermaphroditic germ centres. Also the vagina of saliens and the nozzle of saliens and vexillaria differ fro the corresponding organs of C. westbladi.'
Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name
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