Turbellarian taxonomic database

Cirrifera cirrifera Notes

Riser NW 1981 (citation)- p 141, "This is the most frequently encountered species of the family in western North
Atlantic beaches.  It occurs in poorly sorted as well as well sorted substrates.  Major concentrations are
seaward of the beach surface where the ground water leaches out as recorded by Sopott (1973) at Sylt.  The
reproductive cycle also follows the pattern reported by Sopott (1973).  At Pagan Point, St. Andrews, N.B. in
February 1980, the top 4 cm of substrate of the Cirrifera zone at one station was 13% by volume C. cirrifera
eggs.  The species attains a very large size in the Bay of Fundy where reproducing specimens range from 16-20
mm in length and 0.7-0.9 mm in maximum width when fully extended."

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