Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- long description and good illustration p 150-155. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- reports from German Coast- on ecology of p 108, 105, 104, 98, and 87. Ax P 1969 (citation)- on copulation in- hypodermic impregnation - photo p 99-100 and p 107 on eggs of. Apelt G 1969 (citation)- raised them in culture on Nitzschia (diatom) and studie embryology, developement, life history, etc. Faubel A 1974 (citation)- reports from North Sea as P. psammophilum- note illustration p 22. Faubel A 1976 (citation)- on ecology - move up and down in beach p 275, 277, 256; life cycle in p 257, 258, 298-301, 319, 320. Kinne O 1977 (citation)- notes culture of by Apelt G 1969 (citation). Ax P 1977 (citation)- life history of p 14. Faubel A 1977 (citation)- on distribution and ecology- p 62. in muddy sand p 67, in beach slope p 64-66. Found in transition zones p 70 in table 1. Ehlers U, Dorjes J 1979 (citation)- in comparison p 69. Lauckner G 1980 (citation)- p 280 notes "bubble disease" of this species - from Apelt G 1969 (citation). Watzin MC 1984 (citation)- p 324- on number of eggs and development, afterApelt G 1969 (citation). Faubel A 1984 (citation)- effects of crude oil contamination on- Watzin MC 1986 (citation)-
Ratz H, Faubel A, Roeder T 1988 (citation)- p 173, "...Acoela were studies by electrophoresis and histochemistry." Species included in the study were: Aphanostoma album Convoluta convoluta Pseudaphanostoma psammophilum Atriofronta polyvacuola Haplogonaria syltensis Haplogonaria simplex Anaperus tvaerminnensis Postmecynostomum pictum Mecynostomum auritum Paedomecynostomum bruneum Philomecynostomum lapillum Pseudmecynostomum papillosum
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