Westblad E 1940 (citation)- describes new family for his new genus, new species, Diopisthoporus longitubis, subtidal- pharynx a tube at posterior end. p 24- definition " Order Archoophora Suborder Acoela, with male genital opening and outer (secondary) mouth at the posterior end. A muscular, ciliated pharynx tubiformis (not simplex), an inner (primary) mouth next to a closing muscle. A compact gonad with a common, anterior germinal area (matrix) in which both eggs, ventrocaudally and sperm dorsocaudally, are produced. The gonad posteriorly is divided into 2 well separated parts, a ventral ovary and a dorsal testes. These testes joins the posterior end of a genital canal." Westblad E 1948 (citation)- p 52, new family under Opisthandropa. p 56 in key- "mouth caudal. Pharynx muscular (Ph tubiformis). A compact, combinde gonad lying in the anterior end". Beauchamp P de 1961 (citation)- Lists only genus Diopisthoporus Westblad 1940- definition. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 92-3 definition of family - 1 genus genus Diopisthoporus Westblad 1940 "male gonapore and mouth opening at posterior end. A muscular ciliated pharynx tube present. gonad compact, ovary and testis unpaired." Crezee M 1975 (citation)- unique pharynx- not like any other p 840. Doe DA 1981 (citation)- lists as having pharynx simplex not coronatus.
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