Mamkaev YuV 1967 (citation)- Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- notes description of this species, Mamkaev YuV 1967 (citation)- belongs in Pseudaphanostoma? Hooge MD, Tyler S 2001 (citation)-
Raikova OI 1991 (citation)- fine structure, "nervous system and ciliary receptors of acoelan turbellarians". Species considered: Actinoposthia beklemischevi, Anaperus biaculeatus, Aphanostoma virescens, Haploposthia opisthorchis.
Raikova OI 1989 (citation)- "The fine structure of the nervous system of both plexus-type and that with formed nerve trunks was studied in representatives of four families of Acoela." Families and species studied include: Haploposthiidae Haploposthia opisthorchis Childiidae Actinoposthia beklemischevi Anaperidae Anaperus biaculeatus Convolutidae Aphanostoma virescens Descriptions of synapses, vesciles with granules in neurites, sensillae as associated fine structure are described.
Notes for the valid (accepted) taxonomic name
Notes for Pseudaphanostoma opisthorchis
Mamkaev YuV 1967 (citation)- Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 67 this and other species P. murmanicus by Mamkaev must be in Pseudaphanostoma. Hooge MD, Tyler S 2002 (citation)-
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