Turbellarian taxonomic database

Kuma albiventer Notes

Marcus E 1954 (citation)- from coarse sand immediately below the regular tidal zone on coast of 
	island of Sao Sebastio.  Compared with other species of this genus, about 1mm, illustrated.
	Description and illustration of new species p 420-423 in coarse sand.  Also p 479-480.

Ax ?- notes epithelial nerve net in.
Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- lists.
Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)-  Swedish Museum of Natural History, Brazil.  Copulatory
	apparatus fig 8.
Faubel A 1976 (citation)- mentions as part of this genus in his definition of Kuma p 35.	

Marcus E 1954 (citation) pg. 479-480 - "Haploposthia alviventer, n. sp. (Fig. 1-5), from coarse sand immediately
below the regular tide zone on the coast of the island of Sao Sebastiao is ivory white when recently
captured, but exposed to light it turns pink to purple to almost black in the course of a few hours. This
irreversible colour is localized in epicytial rhabdites and the rhabditogenous cells of the ectocytium. The
same phenomenon occurs in Paraproporus tinctus Marcus 1952. Haploposthia albiventer has unpaired or paired
testes (t) separate from the unpaired ovary (o). From the ample seminal vesicle (s) a small penis with a 
cuticular roset (x) projects into a tubular antrum (a). The mouth (b) is distinct and lies in the anterior
half of the body. From the new species. H. brunea An der Lan, H. rubra (A. d. L.) and H. microphoca Marc.
differ by their gonad containing germ-cells of both sexes diffusely mixed. The ovaries of H. viridis
(A. d. L.) are paired. H. rubropunctata Westbl. is dioecius. From H. monogonophora Westbl. the new species 
differs by not vacuolized ectocytium (k), position and distinctness of the mouth, seminal vesicle and  
penis (both wanting in monogonophora), an absence of stimulative organs in the wall of the antrum."

Hooge M.D. & Rocha C.E.F. 2006 (citation) p. 17 - report this species from the coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Notes from synonyms

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