Riser NW 1987 (citation)- definition and characters listed p 60, with description p 64-66. New Genus and species described on p 60.
Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.
Jondelius U, Ruiz-Trillo I, Baguna J, Riutort M 2002 (citation)- rDNA analysis of three species of turbellarians and other taxa. Phylogeny of metazoans and proposed ancestor of Nemertodermatida and Acoela.
Carranza S, Baguna J, Riutort M 1997 (citation)- Using 18S rDNA sequences to look at the phylogeny of Platyhelminthes. Species of Turbellaria used include the following: Crenobia alpina, Dendrocoelum lacteum, Monocelis lineata, Archiloa rivularis, Geocentrophora sp., Mesocastrada sp., Nemertinoides elongatus, Urastoma sp., Macrostomum tuba, Microstomum lineare, Discocelis tigrina, Planocera multitentaculata, Stenostomum leucops, Convoluta pulchra, Convoluta naikaiensis. New sequences reported for many of these species.
Notes from synonyms
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