Westblad E 1946 (citation)- description and illustration, comparison with O. rubropunctata, both have yellowish red eye spots and large frontal glands, etc. Reproductive organs, subepithelial nervous system. Westblad E 1948 (citation)- nervous system in; p 40 on penis in; p 50 combined genital pores in; p 51 this species more primitive than rubropunctata because of epithelial nervous system in this. Ivanov AV 1952 (citation)- in comparison with O. sacchalinensis. Marcus E 1954 (citation)- mentions p 430. Ax P 1956 (citation)- notes on Mediterranean Coast of France, illustration and description. Fize A 1963 (citation)- lists from Mediterranean. Ax P 1963 (citation)- notes epithelial nervous system in p 200. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 101 moves to new genus Notocelis because it does not have tube like penis; p 103 lists as type; p 288 brief description, p 287 illustration. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- on ecology of in Germany p 99. Beklemischev VN 1969 (citation)- Vol II, diffuse subculanear plexus nervous system in, primitive nervous system in. Schmidt P 1972 (citation)- with ? from Norway. Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History, as Notocelis gullmarensis gullmarensis.
Notes from synonyms
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