Reuter M, Lehtonen M, Wikgren M 1988 (citation)-"Immunocytochemical evidence of neuroactive substances in flatworms of different taxa - a comparison". Species included in the study: Archiloa unipunctata Gyratrix hermaphroditis Microdalyellia fusca Polycelis nigra Promesostoma marmoratum Typhloplana viridata
Bruggemann J 1986 (citation)- "Ultrastructural investigations on the differentiation of genital hard structures in free-living platyhelminths and their phylogenetic significance". Specimens used from Acoela, Macrostomida, Typhloplanoida, Kalyptorhynchia, and Dalyellioida: Philocelis cellata Paromalostomum fusculum Paromalostomum proceracauda Ciliopharyngiella Adenorhynchus balticus Promesostoma marmoratum Promesostoma caligulatum Promesostoma rostratum Marirhynchus longasaeta Provortex psammophilus Provortex tubiferus
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