Oersted AS 1845 (citation)- Diesing KM 1862 (citation)- definition and reference p 242. Jensen OS 1878 (citation)- definition in Latin and description p 26-27 and Plate I figures 12-21. Graff L v 1882 (citation)- p 220 and Plate I. Description and synonomy. Graff L v 1886 (citation)- reports from Lesnia. Graff L v 1891 (citation)- notes on this species. Wagner F v 1891 (citation)- in review of Graff 1891. Pereyaslawzewa D 1892 (citation)- discusses this species - note she speaks of "body cavities" where we speak of vacuoles. Verrill AE 1893 (citation)- p 129, collected this species at Newport, he says, gives description and illustration plate 42, figure 8. p 509- brief description- notes yellow and purple colors- found Newport, Rhode Island, USA at low water mark among algae; notes it also occurs in Norway, Great Britain, Naples, Trieste, etc. Also plate 42, figure 8. Gamble FW 1893 (citation)- this is a northerm form in Europe. Bohmig L 1895 (citation)- mentions p 10, in list p 44. Jameson HL 1897 (citation)- reports Port Erin. Sekera E 1901 (citation)- reports from Trieste. Graff L v 1902 (citation)- reports from Tenerife. notes occurence in Bergen. Graff L v 1904 (citation)- brief description and discussion. Sabussow H 1905 (citation)- reports from Villefranche. Brinkmann A 1905 (citation)- brief note. Graff L v 1910 (citation)- lists from U.S. Lohner L 1911 (citation)- on vacuoles in this species. Graff L v 1911 (citation)- p 326 says common on Ulva at the eel pond and in Little Harbor. Adds to his previous description in Das Tierreich - Graff L v 1905 (citation) p 12, largest was 0.6 mm long, some entirely lack the violet color. Yellow pigment is in solution as well as in granule. Granules give a darker more intense color. Graff L v 1911 (citation)- reports from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA. Sumner FB, RC Osborn and LJ Cole 1913 (citation)- fairly common on Ulva in Eel pond and Little Harbor. Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- outline p 23. Peebles F 1913 (citation)- worked on regeneration in at Monaco. Notes at Naples. Steinbock O 1932 (citation)- reports as Arctic Aphanostoma diversicolor in spite of other reports by Graff, etc. from White Sea. Beklemischev VN 1915 (citation)- compares his Achoerus with this. Bresslau E 1933 (citation)- p 55, figure 24, 1- exterior view from Helgoland, Denmark- length 1.2 mm. Steinbock O 1933 (citation)- synonomy and occurence. Southern R 1936 (citation)- reports in Ireland. Meixner J 1938 (citation)- Figure 1A, "with violet netted pigment, anterior end to behind the statocyst sulfur to orange yellow colored- length to 1.5 mm. Steinbock O 1938 (citation)- reports from Iceland. Westblad E 1946 (citation)- sets up new genus for this species and Amphiscolops virescens = Paraconvoluta virescens, but see Westblad E 1954 (citation). p 30 note bursa in this is muscular not chitinized. Westblad E 1948 (citation)- notes Graff says a diaphragm between mouth and pharynx; p 40 penis; p 44-45 female reproductive organ. p 18 says Graff notes a diaphragm at mouth and he cannot find it. This should be Aphanostoma (English summary p 74). Marcus E 1948 (citation)- discusses taxonomy of genus- this is good species, p 112, 187. Marcus E 1950 (citation)- mentions p 16, 103. Ax P 1952 (citation)- lists from brackish water. Ax P 1953 (citation)- notes taken in grab in Kieler Bucht. Occurs with Prognathorhynchus karlingi. Westblad E 1954 (citation)- reports this from Norway on mud and shell bottom (1 specimen) at about 5 meters- occurrence as North Atlantic from White Sea to English Channel. Ax P 1959 (citation)- notes distribution in Bosporus and Sea of Marmora, p 61. 1963 [Bush collected at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA in summer 1963 on fucus from Nobska Point, see drawings and slides, also 1964 on algae in Great Harbor] [Note: Bush slides of this species and notes on these slides are available at the Univeristy of Maine, Orono, Maine (USA)] Dorey AE 1965 (citation)- electron microscopy study of epithelium (nuclei not insunk), morphology of cilia and arrangement, etc. replacement of epidermis. Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions as Aphanostoma p 75. Steinbock O 1967 (citation)- mentions as Aphanostoma (not Paraconvoluta Westblad), p 394-5. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- p 118 make type of his new genus, Paramecynostomum, see also p 116. Was Aphanostoma diversicolor. Karling TG 1974 (citation)- mentions p 76. Dorjes J, Karling TG 1975 (citation)- Swedish Museum of Natural History, Atlantic Ocean, insemination canal figure 12. Rasmussen H 1973 (citation)- records from Isefjord, Denmark on Zostera. Henley C 1974 (citation)- p 291 notes Hendelberg's description of sperm (1969). Hendelberg J 1977 (citation)- Electron microscopy on sperm- 9 + 1 axonemes. Smith JPS 1981 (citation)- mentions central parenchyma in p 264.
Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)- "The acoel turbellarians: kingpins of metazoan evolution or a specialized offshoot?" Look at ultrastructural characters (body wall, parenchyma, digestive tract). "....it appears that acoels are derived, and cannot logically be fitted into any of the current theories of interphyletic relationships, either as models of primitiveness or as reduced coelomates. Instead, the Nemertodermatida, sister group to the Acoela, and the Catenulida appear more primitive, and consideration of these groups for phylogenetic schemes is more likely to bear fruit." Species of Acoela include: Diopisthoporus cf. longitubus Diopisthoporus sp. (= Diopisthoporus gymnopharyngeus Smith JPS, Tyler S 1985 (citation)) Hesiolicium inops Convoluta convoluta Convoluta sp. nov. (= Convoluta pulchra Smith JPS, Bush L 1991 (citation)) Oxyposthia praedator Oligochoerus limnophilus Paedomecynostomum sp. Paramecynostomum diversicolor Anaperus biaculeatus Anaperus sp. Kuma sp. Philactinoposthia sp. Otocelis luteola
Notes from synonyms
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