Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Pseudoceros leptostictus Bock, 1913]

Pseudoceros leptostictus Bock, 1913

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Sep 29, 1989   subtidal reef crest   Collected by SCBA from reef crest. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
B Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Feb 30, 1992   6 m reef slope   Collected by SCBA from reef slope. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
C Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Jul 29, 1992   subtidal reef crest   Collected by SCBA from reef crest. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
D Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Aug 23, 1992   subtidal reef crest   Collected by SCBA from reef crest. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
E Heron Island (off south reef), Queensland Australia 505
Sep 6, 1992   subtidal reef crest   Collected by SCBA from reef crest. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
F Motupore Island, Papua New Guinea 1904
Jun 17, 1988   subtidal reef slope   Collected off Port Moresby. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
G Madang reef, eastern Papua New Guinea 1902
Jun 26, 1992   subtidal reef crest   Collected by SCBA from reef crest. Found on purple ascidians under boulders at the reef crest and under ledges on the reef slope. Rare from Heron Island, Madang and Motupore Island. Newman LJ, Cannon LRG (1994): 229
H Cape Jaubert, Western Australia, Australia 4058
1913 or earlier default type         Bock S (1913): abstract & Bush card
I Warroora, Western Australia, Australia 7221
Jun 28, 1972         on reef at low tide Prudhoe S (1978): 597

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