Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prostheceraeus zebra Hyman, 1955]

Prostheceraeus zebra Hyman, 1955

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Saint Mark's Light, Wakulla County, Florida, USA 1385
Jun 23, 1953 type locality 3 m     on a leaf of green alga near Saint Mark's Light. Sent by Dr. Harold Humm. Hyman LH (1955): 266
B first culvert near Palisadoes (Palisades, Pallisades, Palisados) Road, Jamaica 1386
Feb 1955         2 specimens from the first culvert on the Palisadoes Road, Jamaica crawling on sea weeds. Species appears to be associated with vegetation. Hyman LH (1955): 266
C Ocho Rios Bay, Jamaica 1387
Feb 1955         three specimens. Species associated with vegetation. Hyman LH (1955): 266

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