Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geoplana ventrolineata Dendy, 1891]

(Geoplana ventrolineata Dendy, 1891) = Kontikia ventrolineata

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Saint Kilda, Victoria, Australia 5324
Jul-Aug 1891 default type       This beautiful and well marked little planarian was found in abundance by Mr. H. Grayson in Brunning's Nursery Garden, St. Kilda, Victoria. Probably introduced with plants from some other locality, but it is impossible to say whence. Dendy A (1891): 36
B Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 5345
1979 or earlier           Winsor L (1979): from Kawakatsu & Ogren 1991 (citation)- p. 84
C Hawaiian Islands (Sandwich Islands, Cook Islands), State of Hawaii, USA 4562
1986 or earlier         "An Australian species Kontikia ventrolineata also occurs with K. septemlineata in Hawaii (L. Winsor pers. comm. 1986). Waterhouse DF, Norris KR (1987): 271; from Kawakatsu & Ogren 1991 (citation)- p. 84
D Netherlands (Holland) 2639
          Established in gardens Thunnissen NW, De Waart SA, Collas FPL, Jongejans E, Hendriks AJ, van der Velde G, Leuven RSEW (2022):

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