Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prognathorhynchus dividibulbosus Ax & Armonies, 1990]

Prognathorhynchus dividibulbosus Ax & Armonies, 1990

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Lowell Point, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3633
Jul 10, 1988 type locality   fine sand   lower beach slope with effluent freshwater. Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 78
B Lowell Point, Resurrection Bay, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, USA 3633
Aug 4, 1988 type locality   fine sand   lower beach slope with effluent freshwater. Ax P, Armonies W (1990): 78

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