Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Kaitalugia falcata Willems, Artois, Backeljau, & Schockaert, 2005]

Kaitalugia falcata Willems, Artois, Backeljau, & Schockaert, 2005

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Ile Nou, Nouméa, New Caledonia 3195
Aug 16, 2003 type locality       on algae from the lagoon south of the asylum. Willems WR, Artois TJ, Backeljau T, Schockaert ER (2005): 94
B Mullaway Headland, New South Wales, Australia 3196
Jul 24, 2003         on red and brown alage in rock pools. Willems WR, Artois TJ, Backeljau T, Schockaert ER (2005): 94
C Marine Field Station, Arrawarra Headland, New South Wales, Australia 3188
Aug 27, 1996         southern part of the beach near rocks, on Sargassum-like algae in a permanent pool. Willems WR, Artois TJ, Backeljau T, Schockaert ER (2005): 94

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