Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Gyrator helgolandicus Attems, 1897]

(Gyrator helgolandicus Attems, 1897) = Gyratricella attemsi

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A old harbor, Helgoland, Germany 641
1896 or earlier type locality       Graff 1896. Attems CG (1897): ; from Graff (citation)- p. 347
B Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 491
1985 or earlier     sand   deep sulfide layer at depths of more than 5 cm below the sediment surface. Species found at least 3 times. Scherer B (1985): 122-124
C Helgoland Islands (Helgoland Insel, Heligoland), Germany 636
prior to 1938         Bisher nur aus der Litoralzone der Küste von Helgoland. Meixner J (1938): ; from Karling 1955 (citation)- p. 5
D Isle of Bonden (Stora Bonden), Sweden 2049
prior to 1955   25-35 m     Kristineberg, Bruchschill mit Amphioxus in 25-35 m Tiefe bei Bonden und Fjolbrotten, häufig. Karling TG (1955): 6
E Helgoland, Germany 4234
Sep-Oct 1894 default type       Ich fand hier eine der Familie der Probosciden angehörige Art, leider nur in einem einzigen Exemplar und halte sie für eine neue Gyrator-Art. Attems CG (1897): 226
F between the Ile de Riou and the Ile de Plane (Calsereigne, Caleseragne), Archipel von Riou, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 3355
1965 or earlier           Brunet M (1965): 153
G Plateau des Chèvres (Chevres), between Ile Jarre (Ile Jarros, Jaire, Jarron) and the coast of France, France 3358
1965 or earlier           Brunet M (1965): 153

MAP ALL (7) .

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