Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Hoploplana villosa (Lang, 1884)]

Hoploplana villosa (Lang, 1884)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology, Susaki near Simoda, Siduoka Prefecture, Japan 4428
May 22, 1936         two specimens. In Japan, it is usually found on a bryozoa, Microporella ciliata (Pallas). Kato K (1937): 213; and from Kato 1944 (citation)- p. 280
B Isola di Nisida, near Naples, Italy 4483
prior to 1884 default type       Naples, Nisida Island near Naples. In Naples the worm found to be associated with Ciona intestinalis LinnĂ©. Lang A (1884): ; from Kato 1944 (citation)- p. 280

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