Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Ceratopera globulifera (Artois, Vermin & Schockaert, 2000)]

Ceratopera globulifera (Artois, Vermin & Schockaert, 2000)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Halley Bay, Station 229 (Loc. 2) 3212
Jan 29, 1989 type locality 500-509 m sand, stones   Very thin layer of flocullent sand with stones. Artois T, Vermin W, Schockaert E (2000): 105
B Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Halley Bay, Station 234 (Loc. 4) 3214
Jan 30, 1989   416 m       Artois T, Vermin W, Schockaert E (2000): 105
C Weddell Sea, Antarctica; Halley Bay, Station 241 (Loc. 6) 3216
Feb 1, 1989   457-462 m fine sand, coarse sand pebbles   Upper 2 cm very fine sand, between 2 and 7 cm sand and deeper coarse sand with pebbles. Artois T, Vermin W, Schockaert E (2000): 105

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