Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Praeconvoluta norvegica (Westblad, 1946)]

Praeconvoluta norvegica (Westblad, 1946)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Norway, Tromso, Ramfjord (SMNH spec.) 73
    25-35 m       : Dorjes & Karling (1975); Westblad (1946)
B Bakeman Beach, (Bakeman's Beach, Bakeman Cove), Cape Rosier, Maine, USA 347
July 23, 2003   tidal sand and coarse sand, rocks and shells   shallow, subtidal, coarse sand with silt : Hooge (unpublished)
C Indian Bar (west side) near park rangers house, Cape Rosier, Maine, USA 353
July 23, 2003     coarse, small rock beach sorted by size of rocks   subtidal, small coarse rock : Hooge (unpublished)
D Orr Cove (near Nearing home), Cape Rosier, Maine, USA 352
July 24, 2003     sand, rocks and silt   fine sediment : Hooge (unpublished)
E Tiefe Rinne, Helgoland Island, Germany 610
Apr 1964   40-42 m muddy sand, mud   deep groove or gully. Dorjes J (1968): 122; also biogeography and ecology on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
F Ramfjord (Ramfjorden) and adjoing fjords, Norway 879
July 21, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
G Tromso and adjoing fjords, Norway 880
July 21, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
H Tromso and adjoing fjords, Norway 880
July 28, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
I Ramfjord (Ramfjorden) and adjoing fjords, Norway 879
July 28, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
J Balsfjord and adjoing fjords, Norway 881
July 28, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
K Balsfjord and adjoing fjords, Norway 881
July 21, 1936 default type 10-50 m       Westblad E (1946): 47
L Hulls Cove, Maine, USA 1272
Mar 1, 1999   shallow subtidal     lots of freshwater run off from heavy rain Hooge MD, Tyler S (2003): 34
M Hulls Cove, Maine, USA 1272
Mar 17, 1999   shallow subtidal       Hooge MD, Tyler S (2003): 34
N Otter Cove, Mt. Desert Island, Maine, USA 2445
May 2005     Mud     : Hooge (unpublished)

MAP ALL (14) .

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