Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Anaperus biaculeatus Boguta, 1970]

(Anaperus biaculeatus Boguta, 1970) = Thalassoanaperus biaculeatus

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A White Sea Biological Station, Chupa Bay (guba Chupa, Tchupa), Cape Kartesh, White Sea (Beloye More, Weisses Meer), Russia 1703
summer, fall, winter 1967 type locality sublittoral, 0-2.0 m seaweeds   outskirts of the Biological Station, gathered with fine net in Levaya and Kruglaya Bays. Boguta KK (1970): 198-199
B White Sea Biological Station, Chupa Bay (guba Chupa, Tchupa), Cape Kartesh, White Sea (Beloye More, Weisses Meer), Russia 1703
spring, fall 1968 type locality sublittoral, 0-2 m seaweed   outskirts of the Biological Station, gathered with fine net in Levaya and Kruglaya Bays Boguta KK (1970): 198-199

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