Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Euprosthiostomum laetum (Kato, 1938)]

Euprosthiostomum laetum (Kato, 1938)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Seto Marine Biological Station, Kyoto University, at Seto in Shirahama-cho, Cape Bansho Zaki (Bandokoro-saki), Wakayama Prefecture, Japan 4451
Apr 1937 default type 18 m     single specimen collected by the dredge-net from a depth of about ten fathoms off Tonda near Seto. Off Tonda near Seto, Kii. Kato K (1938): 577, 590; and from Kato 1944 (citation)- p. 308

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