Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Plagiostomum oyense de Beauchamp, 1921]

(Plagiostomum oyense de Beauchamp, 1921) = Plagiostomum caudatum

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Egedesminde (Aasiaat), Disko Bay, Greenland 276
1882 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 375
B Plymouth, England (English Channel) 255
1882 or earlier           Graff Lvon (1913): 375
C Egedesminde (Aasiaat), Disko Bay, Greenland 276
1932 or earlier type locality         Levinsen GMR (1879): ; from Steinbock (citation)- p. 323
D Holsteinsborg (Sisimiut, Holsteinborg, Holstenborg, Amerdlok, Holstensborg), Greenland 272
1926         several specimens from the harbor, among algae. Brandtner P (1934): 141 ; also from Steinböck 1932 (citation)- p. 323
E Godhavn, Disko Bay, Greenland 2776
1932 or earlier   10 m sand, mud     Steinböck O (1932): 323
F Cawsand Bay, near Plymouth, England 1337
Aug-Sep 1882         A single specimen dredged in Cawsand Bay among Zostera. Gamble FW (1893): 42

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