Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Oxyposthia praedator Ivanov, 1952]

Oxyposthia praedator Ivanov, 1952

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Antonovo (Rakumaka, Rakuma) village, north of Kholmsk, southern coast of Sakhalin (Saghalien, Saghalin, Karafuto, Kabafuto) Island, Russia 192
1946 type locality 1-2 m sand, gravel, silt   overgrown with Zostera, and with an infusion of Sargassum and other seaweeds. Sargassum yielded large numbers of specimens, but also found in gravel in the Laminaria Zone among the rhyzoids. Ivanov AV (1952): 40, 41

MAP ALL (1) .

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