site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada |
map | Feb 1980 |
lower intertidal |
in top 4 cm of substrate of the Cirrifera zone at one station was 13 per cent by volume of C. cirrifera eggs. found at Pagan Point, Saint Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. |
Riser NW (1981): 141 |
B |
Ile de Callot, Roscoff, France |
map | Sep 19, 1973 |
fine muddy sand |
from the eulittoral flat of the west side of the Ile de Callot (200 m to the left of the Church). The animals measured more than 1mm. |
Ehlers U (1980): 164 |
C |
Gran Canaria, Isla de, Canary Islands, Spain |
map | Mar 1978 |
Playa de Trajadillo. 1 specimen. |
Ehlers B, Ehlers U (1980): 583 |
D |
Playa del Aguila, Gran Canaria, Isla de, Canary Islands, Spain |
map | Mar 1978 |
1 specimen. |
Ehlers B, Ehlers U (1980): 583 |
E |
between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Apr-Sep 1982 |
10-20 m |
medium-coarse sand |
sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. |
Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170 |
F |
between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Apr-Sep 1983 |
10-20 m |
medium-coarse sand |
sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. |
Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170 |
G |
Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt |
map | Mar 1971 |
type locality |
Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Regelmässig im vorderen Watt und unteren Hangabschnitt. das ganze Jahr |
Sopott B (1972): 209-210 |
H |
Sandy beach on eastern shore of Sylt. Litoralstation (old littoral station), Biological Institute Helgoland, Biologische Anstalt Helgoland (BAH), List, Sylt |
map | Apr 1969 |
type locality |
Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland in List. Regelmässig im vorderen Watt und unteren Hangabschnitt. das ganze Jahr |
Sopott B (1972): 209-210 |
I |
Lister Hook (Lister Haken, Hakens), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea |
map | Sep 1970 |
Sylt, Lister Haken. Im Sandhang. 1 Exemplare |
Sopott B (1972): 209 |
J |
Hornum (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, Germany |
map | Jan 1970 |
Hörnum. Im Sandhang. 1 Exemplare |
Sopott B (1972): 210 |