Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Postaphanostoma filum Dörjes, 1968]

Postaphanostoma filum Dörjes, 1968

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Helgoland Islands (Helgoland Insel, Heligoland), Germany 636
Apr 1963 type locality 18 m Amphioxus sand, coarse sand   museum specimen numbers: SMF 3037-59; SMF 3463-65 / Amphioxus Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
B Tonne Dune (Duene) east #1, Helgoland Island, Germany 655
Apr 1963   15 m fine, medium sand     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
C Reede, Helgoland Island, Germany 656
Apr 1963   7 m coarse gravel fine sand mixture     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
D Reede, Helgoland Island, Germany 656
May 1963   6 m stone rich medium sand     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
E Loreley Bank, Helgoland Island, Germany 658
May 1963   13 m fine sand     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
F north east wall (Nordostmauer), Helgoland Island, Germany 608
Aug 1963   5 m fine sand     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
G Helgoland Islands (Helgoland Insel, Heligoland), Germany 636
Aug 1963 type locality 17-18 m coarse sand, Amphioxus sand     Dorjes J (1968): 179; see also biogeographic summary on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115.
H between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3565
Apr-Sep 1982   10-20 m medium-coarse sand   sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170
I between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3565
Apr-Sep 1983   10-20 m medium-coarse sand   sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170

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