Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Ezoplana masacoae Tajika, 1982]

Ezoplana masacoae Tajika, 1982

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Cape Shakotan (Shirbeshi, Sirbesi), Shirubeshi, Hokkaido, Japan 4227
Aug 3, 1975 type locality       Die Küste Raigishi am Ende der Halbinsel Shakotan, Bezrik Shiribeshi, Westhokkaido. Zahlreiche Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
B Cape Shakotan (Shirbeshi, Sirbesi), Shirubeshi, Hokkaido, Japan 4227
Jul 29, 1976 type locality       Die Küste Raigishi am Ende der Halbinsel Shakotan, Bezrik Shiribeshi, Westhokkaido. Zahlreiche Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
C Cape Shakotan (Shirbeshi, Sirbesi), Shirubeshi, Hokkaido, Japan 4227
Jun 24, 1978 type locality       Die Küste Raigishi am Ende der Halbinsel Shakotan, Bezrik Shiribeshi, Westhokkaido. Zahlreiche Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
D Cape Shakotan (Shirbeshi, Sirbesi), Shirubeshi, Hokkaido, Japan 4227
Jul 16, 1978 type locality       Die Küste Raigishi am Ende der Halbinsel Shakotan, Bezrik Shiribeshi, Westhokkaido. Zahlreiche Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
E Cape Shakotan (Shirbeshi, Sirbesi), Shirubeshi, Hokkaido, Japan 4227
Sep 2, 1978 type locality       Die Küste Raigishi am Ende der Halbinsel Shakotan, Bezrik Shiribeshi, Westhokkaido. Zahlreiche Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
F Esan-Misaki, Kameda Peninsula, Bezirk Oshima, Hokkaido, Japan 4241
Jul 22, 1977         Die Küste Esan am Ende der Halbinsel Kameda, Bezrik Oshima, Südhokkaido. Mehrere Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
G Hidaka, Japan 4242
Jul 9, 1978         Die Küste Harutachi, Bezirk Hidaka, Südhokkaido. Zwei Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
H Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan 4222
Aug 18, 1978         Die Küste Abashiri, Bezirk Abashiri, Osthokkaido. Ein Exemplare. Tajika K-I (1982): 16-17
I Hateruma Jima (Hasyokan Island, Hatoma, Haderuma), Yaeyama-retto (Yaeyama Islands, Yayeyama Retto, Yaeyana-gunto), Japan 4245
Feb 26, 1991         two specimens from Oodomari on the north coast of the island. Tajika K-I (1992): 113
J Joga Shima (Joga-shima), Kanagawa, Japan 4246
1988 or earlier           Tajika K-I (1988): ; from Tajika 1988 (citation)- p. 113

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