Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Phonorhynchus pearsei Ferguson, Stirewalt & Kepner, 1940]

Phonorhynchus pearsei Ferguson, Stirewalt & Kepner, 1940

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Lafayette River, Norfolk, Virginia, USA 1880
1948 or earlier   shallow   brackish from collection records ranging 1931 thru 1948. from shallows of river. Ferguson FF, Jones ER (1949): 436, 439
B Taylor's (Taylor) Creek, Beaufort, North Carolina, USA 3360
1939 default type       Spring, collected at low tide around the island in dense masses of Ulva. Ferguson FF, Stirewalt MA, Kepner WA (1940): 111
C Pivers (Piver's) Island, North Carolina, USA 1297
1938, 1939 default type       Summer, collected at low tide around the island in dense masses of Ulva. Ferguson FF, Stirewalt MA, Kepner WA (1940): 111
D mouth of the York River, Virginia, USA 3361
1939 default type       Spring, collected at low tide around the island in dense masses of Ulva. Ferguson FF, Stirewalt MA, Kepner WA (1940): 111

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