Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Phonorhynchoides flagellatus Beklemischev, 1927]

Phonorhynchoides flagellatus Beklemischev, 1927

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Razelm-Sinoƫ, Golovitza Lake, Danube Delta, Romania 2571
Aug 1970       1-2 ppt The lagoon complex Razelm-SinoĆ«: Golovitza Lake. Mack-Fira V (1974): 269
B Port Aralsk (Aral, Aralskoye More), Aral Sea (Aral Tengizi, Orol Dengizil, Aral'skoye More, Aral'skoe Sea), Kazakhstan 3890
1927 or earlier default type       Port Aralsk. Aralsee. Aralsk. Zwischen Wasserpflanzen und in Bryozoen-Aufwuchs. Beklemischev VN (1927): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 448

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