Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Carcharodorhynchus polyorchis L'Hardy, 1963]

Carcharodorhynchus polyorchis L'Hardy, 1963

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1961 default type   sand   la Roche Danic, Roscoff region (North-Finistere), France. L'Hardy J-P (1963): 460
B Plage de Perharidy, Roscoff (Roskoff), France 3715
1961 default type   sand   la Plage de Perharidy, Roscoff region (North-Finistere), France. L'Hardy J-P (1963): 460
C Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1961 default type       dans le Chenal de l'Ile Verte, Roscoff region (North-Finistere), France. L'Hardy J-P (1963): 460

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