Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Proschizorhynchus pectinatus L'Hardy, 1965]

Proschizorhynchus pectinatus L'Hardy, 1965

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1964 or earlier     fine sand   Pointe des Jacobins near Roscoff (Nord-Finistere). L'Hardy J-P (1965): 141
B Duslen, Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 3717
1965 or earlier   2-5 m shelly sand   Duslen near Roscoff (Nord-Finistere). In the chanel. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 140
C Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1965 or earlier type locality   shelly sand   Gaurec, Aber de Roscoff. low tide. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 140
D Terenez (Térénez), Baie de Morlaix, France 3718
1965 or earlier     coarse quartz sand   low tide. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 140
E Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1965 or earlier     fine sand   Banc du Loup, near Roscoff. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 140
F Roscoff (Roskoff), English Channel, France 258
1965 or earlier     coarse sand   Perroc'h, near Roscoff. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 140
G Basse Plate, Ile de Batz (Nord-Finistere), Roscoff, France 3719
1965 or earlier   10-15 m coarse sand   Basse Plate. L'Hardy J-P (1965): 141
H Plouneour-Trez, Greve de Goulven (Nord-Finistere), Bretagne, France 3720
1965 or earlier     fine sand     L'Hardy J-P (1965): 141
I the coast of France near Marseille, France 5121
1966-1967   12 m fine sand   station 17. Brunet M (1970): 287
J north side of l'ile Riou et Plane, near Marseille, France 5122
1966-1967   6 m fine sand   station 7. Brunet M (1970): 286
K Ria Formosa, Faro, Portugal, Algarve region, Portugal 7549
Sep 19, 2012         "low eulittoral zone, loose sand with some organic detritus and very little silt;" Gobert S, Monnens M, Eerdekens L, Schockaert E, Reygel P, Artois T (2020): 9
L Doñana National Park, Spain 7550
Apr 6, 2008         "collected from beach near the river mouth;" Gobert S, Monnens M, Eerdekens L, Schockaert E, Reygel P, Artois T (2020): 9

MAP ALL (12) .

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