Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Geocentrophora baltica (Kennel, 1883)]

Geocentrophora baltica (Kennel, 1883)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Laugarvatn, south Iceland 599
Jul 1-Aug 2, 1937       freshwater slowly flowing clear brook issuing from a spring near Laugarvatn. Steinböck O (1948): 26
B Derbyshire, United Kingdom 2138
1965-1967       freshwater Coldharbour Moor, Derbyshire, Grid Ref. 43095929. Young JO (1970): 216
C Dorpat (Tartu, Terbata, Tartto, Derpt, Yurev, Yur'yev), Estonia 2451
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 61
D Sudetes Mountains (Sudeten, Sudetic, Sudetska Soustava, Sudety), Germany 2641
1913 or earlier       freshwater 4 specimens in May, in small Koppenteiche of the Riesengebirges [Poland?]. Graff Lvon (1913): 67
E Kola Peninsula (Halbinsel Kola, Alexandrowsk, Kandalakscha, Kantalahti, Alexandrovsk), Russia 1263
1932 or earlier       freshwater, brackish damp earth, moss. Steinböck O (1932): 323
F Murmansk (Murmansk Sea Biological Station), Barents Sea, Russia 303
prior to 1925           Nasonov NV (1925): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
G Sirkka (Sikkola), Finland 2981
Jul 9, 1950         brook in forest near Immeljärvi lake. Luther A (1960): 99
H Lohjanjarvi (Lohjanjärvi, Lojo-See, Lojosjö, Lojosee), Finland 2986
prior to 1960         Lojo (Lohja) Mongola, ausgetrockneter Frühlingstümpel aug Moräneboden in Erlengebüsch, veil totes, feuchtes Laub, s. S. 95. Dried spring pool, dead and damp leaves. Luther A (1960): 99
I Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Finnish Bay, Finland 2842
Apr 26, 1950         Björkkulla, spring pool on meadow. Frühlingstümpel aug Wiesenboden. Luther A (1960): 99
J Zoologischen Station Tvärminne (Tvarminne), Hanko (Hango, Hangö), Finnish Bay, Finland 1378
Sep 1, 1956         shallow ditch with leaves. Zoo. Stat. alter, seichter Graben hit veil totem Laub in nassem Birken- und Erlenwald; totes Laub in kleiner Vertiefung auf Moränenboden (A. L.). Luther A (1960): 99
K Viborg (Viipuri, Wiborg, Vipuri), Leningradskaya Oblast', Russia 3027
prior to 1917         Kavantsaari. Nasonov NV (1917): ; from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
L The Mere, Ellesmere, Shropshire, United Kingdom 3331
May 1966 - Feb 1967   littoral   freshwater calcium rich lake (35.6 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
M Newton Mere, Shropshire, United Kingdom 3332
May 1966 - Feb 1967   littoral   freshwater calcium rich lake (7.2 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
N Llyn Cwellyn (Quellan), Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3340
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (1.7 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
O Llyn Ogwen, Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3345
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (0.4 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
P Idwall, Caernarvonshire (Caernarvon, Carnarvonshire, Arfon), North Wales, United Kingdom 3349
Nov 1968 - Oct 1969   littoral   freshwater calcium poor lake (2.0 mg/l). Young JO (1973): 204
Q Mount Elgon on Uganda Kenya border, Africa 3519
1935 or earlier       freshwater Mt. Elgon on Uganda/Kenya border. Beauchamp Pde (1936): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- 421
R Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria 1962
1923 or earlier       freshwater Steiermarks. Steinböck O (1923): 233
S Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
Oct 14, 1957         Lebrader Moor, in Sphagnum-Bulten (1 Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 485
T Lebrader Teich, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5993
Nov 5, 1957         Lebrader Moor, in Sphagnum-Bulten (6 Ex.) Rixen J-U (1961): 485
U Mountain Lake, Virginia, USA 1609
1939 or earlier         Mountain Lake Station. Ferguson FF, Stirewalt MA, Brown TD, Hayes WJ (1939): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
V Mount Elgon on Uganda Kenya border, Africa 3519
1935 or earlier         Afrika, Mount Elgon Beauchamp Pde (1936): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
W Bulgaria (Bulgarien) 3874
1951 and earlier         Bulgarien, Steinböck O (1927): and Steinböck (citation); from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
X Italy (Italien) 4028
1951 or earlier         Italien Steinböck O (1951): and Steinböck (citation); from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
Y Scotland (Schottland), United Kingdom 2155
1907 or earlier         Schottland. Martin CH (1907): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
Z Czechoslovakia (Tschechoslovakei) 3872
1926 or earlier         Tschechoslovakei. Sekera E (1926): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
A1 Poland (Polen) 4037
1939 or earlier           Gieysztor M (1939): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
B1 Steiermark (Styria, Styrie), Austria 1962
1926 or earlier         Steiermark, bis über 2.000 m ü.M. Steinböck O (1926): from Luther 1960 (citation)- p. 99
C1 Arnoia River near O Viso, Spain 6220
1997-1999       Limnetic   Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F (2007): 1992, 1993

MAP ALL (29) .

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