Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Balgetia pacifica Ax, Ax & Ehlers, 1979]

Balgetia pacifica Ax, Ax & Ehlers, 1979

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A San Juan Island, San Juan County, Washington, United States 3780
      coarse sand   collected intertidally and in the upper sublittoral from coarse sand beaches along the west coast of San Juan Island. Ax P, Ax R, Ehlers U (1979): 259
B False Bay, San Juan Island, Washington, USA 2025
Aug 1965 type locality   coarse sand     Ax P, Ax R, Ehlers U (1979): 259
C Smallpox Bay (Small Pox Bay), San Juan Island, Washington, USA 3566
Aug-Sep 1965     coarse sand   Northern part of Smallpox Bay (San Juan Park). Ax P, Ax R, Ehlers U (1979): 259
D San Juan Park, San Juan Island, San Juan County, Washington, United States 4350
Aug-Sep 1965     coarse sand   Northern part of Smallpox Bay (San Juan Park). Ax P, Ax R, Ehlers U (1979): 259

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