Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Microdalyellia paucispinosa (Sekera, 1888)]

Microdalyellia paucispinosa (Sekera, 1888)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A western and middle, Czech Republic (Böhmen, Bohmen, Bohemia) 2640
1889 or earlier type locality     freshwater   Graff Lvon (1913): 120
B L'viv (Lwow, Lvyv, Leopol, Lemberg, L'vov), Ukraine 2994
1927 or earlier           Fulinski B (1927): abstract
C Praha (Prague, Cheshskaya Praga, Praga, Prag), Czech Republic 2739
1888 or earlier default type         Sekera E (1889): ; from Fulinski 1927 (citation)-abstract

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