Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Micropharynx parasitica Jaegerskiold, 1896]

Micropharynx parasitica Jaegerskiold, 1896

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Bohuslän (Bohusland, Bohvslan, Bohus) region, Goteborgs och Bohus Lan, Sweden 1664
1896 or earlier default type       found with Raja clavata and Raja radiata by Jägerskiöld. Westblad E (1926): 212-216
B Kattegat (Cattegat, Kattegatt) Bay, between Denmark and Sweden 2683
1896 or earlier default type       on back of Raia clavata and Raia batis. Jaegerskiold LA (1896): abstract

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