Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Cryptocelis lactea Lang, 1884]

(Cryptocelis lactea Lang, 1884) = Cryptocelis alba

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Posillipo, Bay of Naples, Italy 1705
prior to 1884 type locality 4-10 m mud     Lang A (1884): ; Prudhoe S (citation)- page 70
B Trincomalee, Sri Lanka 1769
1855 or earlier default type         Kelaart EF (1858): ; from Faubel 1984 (citation)- p. 236
C Helgoland, Germany 4234
1992 or earlier     "Steingrund" (gravel fields)     Kühne, S (1992): from Harms (citation)- 16

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