Collecting site
Sargasso Sea, Caribbean Sea, Atlantic Ocean
General coordinates for the area: 20 N-42N and 30 W-76 W.
latitude: 30 30 N
longitude: -51 51 W
[Precision of location: listed in reference]
[Site Named Here by name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication]
Collected here:
Gnesioceros sargassicola (Mertens, 1832) | 1979 | | | Neustal, hyponeustal. a great number of specimens collected by Dr. John. |
Chatziplana grubei (Graff, 1892) | spring 1979 | | | Neustal, hyponeustal, Central Atlantic Ocean, a great number of specimens, collected by Dr. John spring 1979. |
Planocera pellucida (Mertens, 1833) | winter 1970 | | | Neustal, Middle and South Atlantic, a great number of specimens; collected by Dr. John. |