Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Koster grund, Swedish west coast

latitude: 58.883331     58 53 00 N
longitude: 11.083333     011 05 00 E

[Precision of location: listed in reference]
[Site Named Here exact location from reference]

Collected here:

Pterastericola pellucida Jondelius, 1989Apr 1987found in the oral part and stomach of the host, Astropecten irregularis. Host specimens obtained by dredge on the Koster grund, Swedish west coats.
Pterastericola pellucida Jondelius, 1989Jun 1987found in the oral part and stomach of the host, Astropecten irregularis. Host specimens obtained by dredge on the Koster grund, Swedish west coats.
Pterastericola pellucida Jondelius, 1989Nov 1987found in the oral part and stomach of the host, Astropecten irregularis. Host specimens obtained by dredge on the Koster grund, Swedish west coats.
Pterastericola pellucida Jondelius, 1989Feb 1988found in the oral part and stomach of the host, Astropecten irregularis. Host specimens obtained by dredge on the Koster grund, Swedish west coats.

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