Collecting site
near Armidale, New South Wales, Australia
12km SSE of Armidale.
latitude: -30.516666 30 31 S
longitude: 151.666672 151 40 E
[Precision of location: listed in reference]
[Site Named Here exact location from reference]
Collected here:
Temnosewellia acirra Cannon & Sewell, 2001 | Feb 26, 1987 | | crayfish | ectosymbiotically on parastacid crayfish, Cherax destructor. QMGL 18710 |
Temnosewellia acirra Cannon & Sewell, 2001 | Feb 26, 1987 | | | ectosymbiotically on parastacid crayfish, Cherax destructor. QMGL 18707-18708. |