Collecting site
Salmon Bank, off the southern end of San Juan Island, Washington, USA
latitude: 48.426666 48 25.6 N
longitude: -123.419998 122 85.2 W
[Precision of location: listed in reference]
[Site Named Here exact location from reference]
Collected here:
Kronborgia pugettensis Shinn & Christensen, 1985 | prior to 1985 | 13-19 m | | Salmon Bank off the southern end of San Juan Island, Washington, USA. Parasitic in haemocoele of the shrimp Heptacarpus kincaidi. |
Kronborgia pugettensis Shinn & Christensen, 1985 | 1965 | 13-19 m | | Parasitic in haemocoele of the shrimp Heptacarpus kincaidi. Found by Dr. Paul Illg, University of Washington. [location not specified] |
Kronborgia pugettensis Shinn & Christensen, 1985 | 1980 | 13-19 m | | Parasitic in haemocoele of the shrimp Heptacarpus kincaidi. Found by Dr. Claus Nielsen. [location not specified] |