Collecting site
Tvärminneön (Tvärminne-ön, Tverminne Ön, Tvärminneö), Finland
latitude: 59.833332 59 50 00 N
longitude: 23.216667 023 13 00 E
[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]
Collected here:
Macrostomum curvituba Luther, 1947 | prior to 1960 | | | Mögloet and Kallvassa. |
Baicalellia beauchampi (Ax, 1956) | Apr 28, 1952 | | brown Gyttja | Kallvassa. under the soil surface, 17.9 degrees C. [Not sure that this is the local of Kallvassa that Luther is referencing.] |
Coronhelmis multispinosus Luther, 1948 | 1962 or earlier | | | Mögloet. (Kinnander). |
Procerodes littoralis (Ström, 1768) | 1961 or earlier | | | In der Umgebung der Zool. Station Tvärminne sehr häufig in der Meeres- und äusseren Schärenzone: Südufer von Tvärminneön |
Microdalyellia mollosovi (Nasonov, 1920) | May 24, 1951 | | | Tvärminne-ön, Södergård, beschatteter Tümpel am Wege, am Boden viel Laub und Moos (Hypna), 11.5º C. |